• August 9, 2021

IMPPA comes forward to provide financial help of ₹ 5,00,000 to the wife of deceased Art Director Raju Sapte

IMPPA comes forward to provide financial help of ₹ 5,00,000 to the wife of deceased Art Director Raju Sapte

Ref. No. IMPPA/ 70 / 1218/2021


6th August 2021

IMPPA helps wife of late Raju Sapte who committed suicide a month back.

On receipt of a request from the Association of Cine & Television Art Directors & Costume Designers informing that their member late Raju Sapte gave his life and committed suicide on account of unbearable harassment and mental torture by those elements that have been harassing all, including producers for number of years. IMPPA has decided to help the wife of late Raju Sapte.

It is a fact that his suicide has shaken everyone in the entertainment industry and made them get up and unite to end the hooliganism indulged in by various associations / unions on producers and workers both making it impossible to work amicably in the entertainment industry and his sacrifice has led to the highest authorities in the Government like the Hon. Chief Minister, Hon. Home Minister, Hon. Police Commissioner and the Hon. Labour Commissioner to come forward to take steps to control the menace which was crippling the industry due to which the industry is now able to work harmoniously without any fear or tension.

In view of the sacrifice of late Raju Sapte we at IMPPA are donating Rs. 5 lakhs for which cheque in favour of Mrs. Sonali Sapte has been deposited in her account as a small contribution to mitigate the loss that she has suffered and to look after the welfare of her family and we except that all likeminded persons of the entertainment industry also should donate generously for the family of late Raju Sapte as a tribute to his great sacrifice.



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