- July 13, 2023
Actor Sneha Jain: I don’t believe that someone can be so busy that they cannot make time for family

In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, it is quite a task to manage our career and personal life. And we all end up being a part of the race, whether we accept it or not. Actress Sneha Jain whose show Janam Janam Ka Saath just went off air agrees that we all are running after different things and at the end of it losing ourselves.
“Our lives are moving so fast that we keep running, and it becomes challenging for those who are a step behind us. But as humans, we should be there to help and support each other. We get to experience different aspects of life in various situations, and we learn from them,” she says.
Every second person we meet today is often heard saying ‘I’m busy or I’ve no time’. “I don’t believe that someone can be so busy that they cannot make time for family. Everything needs to be planned, and everyone should have discipline in their professional and personal lives. Even if I work for 9-13 hours a day, I always make sure to spend time with my family when I get home. And even while on set, I try to make time for myself,” she adds.
Most of us can’t imagine our lives without our phones and check it first thing in the morning and even before going to bed. This has become a pattern that must change for the better,
“This is the worst pattern that many of us follow. Checking our phones when we wake up or before going to sleep can make us feel lonely and self-doubting. Instead of experiencing the beauty of the morning, we are addicted to the glow of our cell phones. Setting rules and following them can greatly improve our lives,” she says.
About two decades back, when none of these were discovered and we had lesser access to comfort, there was much rest and peace in our lives, compared to how it is now. Our tolerance and patience levels have also been affected by this lifestyle.
“Twenty years ago, life was different. In this era, people lack patience and tolerance. Even when friends meet up, they are often engrossed in their phones rather than engaging in conversations. I still remember that whenever I meet my four friends, we maintain the same bond after so many years. We don’t use phones when we are together, and we still have a great time. It feels like a safe environment when I am with them. In this fast-paced era, we aren’t truly enjoying life because we are always in a rush. We have zero patience because we want everything instantly. I believe life is about having fun, being happy with family and friends, and finding inner joy,” she signs off.