- April 24, 2021
@ash4sak has penned down a heartwarming note.

Its been a few days since i last posted. I just didnt feel like it. Not that i didnt have enough content or i didnt get enough pictures clicked but I JUST DIDNT FEEL LIKE IT.
With our country going through such a crisis and hearing such depressing news all around me i just didnt feel right posting a post about CLOTHES and talking about my FICTIONAL CHARACTER.
IT HIT ME,it hit me hard when my on set assistant @shailendrajsingh912 lost his sister to #covid_19.
IT HIT ME when two out of my college besties’ families got infected with #covid_19.
IT HIT ME when my family in India and abroad started calling me every few hours checking on my health and asking me to reconsider my decision of continuing to work in the present circumstances.
IT HIT ME when shooting in GOA lost its charm
covid_19 had hit my brother’s family last year and from my 3 year old nephew to the oldest member of the family, everyone had to go through their respective set of ‘covid’ experience but somewhere at the back of our minds we knew they would come out of it and god was kind they did come out of it.
But now i see that hope kinda flicker.
This strain of virus is scary and the news around me is down right depressing. This shit just got real
So i guess with a verified account and a few thousands following me i just wanted to use this platform to request all of you reading this to be more empathetic. Lets be all more human and mindful towards each other. Instead of spending all our time and effort in just trolling unnecessarily, lets ask if we can be of any help. WE NEED TO BE MORE HUMANE AND LESS GUILTY OF BEING ANONYMOUSLY STUPID AND UNSYMPATHETIC. We gotta be more responsible and be able to correct all those who even now have a chalta hai attitude.
P.S. im not sorry for using #ahaanadiaries to vent.