- November 10, 2020

Mumbai, 10th November, 2020:The Red Curtain International has announced the finalists in their Good The@ter Festival & Awards (https://www.theredcurtaininternational.org/festival). The Finalists will perform overthe weekends of November 21st, 22nd and 28th, 29th.
The Good The@ter Festival & Aw@rds was created by The Red CurtainInternational with an aim to honor the best theater talent in the world that haveperformed online, to a real-time audience, irrespective of geographies,boundaries, language barriers, and definitely the world crisis. It is a celebrationof the best online theater talent in the world.
Amongst the Finalists are performances from Brazil, the USA, the UK, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Cape Verde, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Iran, India, Singapore that will be judged by Jury from the Philippines, Singapore, India, Italy, Finland, the UK and the USA.
‘A Little Bit Closer’ (USA / India); ‘Aliens’, ‘3 Miles’, ‘Turn Left’ (USA); ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’(Finland); ‘Fat Kids are Harder to Kidnap on Zoom!’(Singapore); ‘Labor’(Iran); ‘Macbeth’(Ireland, UK); ‘Metamorphosis’(Wales, UK); ‘One Can Only Laugh’(India); ‘The Art of Facing Fear’ (Brazil, Senegal, Sweden, Nigeria, UK, Cape Verde, South Africa)
This is the first time Aw@rds for Best Performance, Best Script, Most Innovative use of Technology, Best Direction & Best Production will be given out for ePl@ys performed live (not pre-recorded) and created post Covid-19.
The Aw@rds emphasize the live connection between audience and performer. Each production will be e-staged twice over Zoom so that anyone with a wi-fi connection anywhere in the world can experience the@ter from the safety of their homes without losing sleep.
“Thespians around the world have discovered how theater can happen online where the audience and actor share the same space and time. They are in each other’s presence and withit geography has become history in The@ter. With this initiative we aim at building sustenance for the theatre community and urge audiences to participate and lend a shoulder to the artists”saysSumit Lai Roy, Festival Co-Director and Founder Member, The Red Curtain International.
“We’re truly pleased that our mission of “good theater for good causes” is being lived out through this international festival. “Good theater” will occur through the nine plays, twelve jury members and scores of audience members from multiple continents. And “good causes” will be accomplished as we route the net proceeds from the festival to theater artisans in India who are out of work due to the pandemic, thanks to the generosity of individuals and sponsors across the globe!”Dr. Paul Lopez, Festival Co-Director and Founder Member,The Red Curtain International, Atlanta/USA.
The Festiv@l has been designed to save lives. Proceeds go to StayIN aLIVE, a non-profit in India dedicated to helping disadvantaged theater artisans survive. Just one Season Pass for the entire festival, that will play over November 21 & 22, 28 & 29, at USD 90 is enough for a starving artisan to stay alive for another month (https://www.theredcurtaininternational.org/donate)
About The Red Curtain International
The Red Curtain started in 1969. A bunch of ‘School Leavers’ from LoretoHouse and St. Xavier’s, Calcutta, got together to perform a little bit of fluffcalled “A Little Bit of Fluff”.Since then the theater bug has not left The Red Curtain. Prolific in the ’70s and’80s, The Red Curtain did have a hiatus in the ’90s by which time the foundermembers had all left Calcutta in pursuit of their own careers. The Red Curtainwas revived when Katy and Sumit (Lai Roy) returned to Kolkata, in 2002, andhelped a resurgence of plays performed primarily in English. The Red Curtainfamily grew to 400+ audience and performance members.In 2020, through the lockdown months, the Red Curtain rapidly evolved intoThe Red Curtain International after producing three successful onlineproductions that turned geography into history. Real-time audiences, cast andcrew logged in from around the world.It further fueled The Red Curtain’s resolve to continue to do good theater forgood causes, so that the privileged of the world can help the less privileged.The Red Curtain family now spans five continents and is a registered non-profitheadquartered in Georgia, USA.The Red Curtain champions theater that helps real-time audiences becomebetter humans.