• September 5, 2024

Sony SAB stars share heartfelt tributes to their teachers on Teachers’ Day

Sony SAB stars share heartfelt tributes to their teachers on Teachers’ Day

Teachers’ Day is a special occasion to honour the commitment and efforts of educators and to emphasize their crucial role in moulding the future in everyone’s lives. It serves as a reminder of the immense responsibility teachers carry in nurturing young minds and guiding them towards a brighter tomorrow. This year, Sony SAB’s artists pay tribute by recounting how their teachers have significantly impacted their lives and careers.

Karuna Pandey who portrays the character of Pushpa in Pushpa Impossible said,
“There are many lessons I’ve learned over the years, but one that stands out is from when I was in 9th standard. I was always very active in extracurricular activities like sports, dance, and music. After seeing me dance on stage, one of my teachers, Nirmal Kaur, told me that I should pursue a career in dance and performance because I excelled in them more than in academics. I took her words to heart, and that advice has become an unforgettable lesson for me.”

Garima Parihar who portrays the character of Deepti in Pushpa Impossible said,
“Teachers aren’t just those in classrooms; they can be anyone who imparts wisdom. My greatest teachers have been my parents, who taught me the importance of independence, especially as a woman. They instilled in me the belief that I should embrace my authentic self and live life on my terms. This lesson of independence is the biggest gift they’ve given me, and it’s something I cherish deeply.”

Mona Wasu who portrays the character of Shalini Talwar in Vanshaj said,
“The only guru I can say I have had is Shri S N Goenka. I was a very immature student when I went for my first ten-day retreat and wanted to run away the fourth day and tried my best to do that but I was sweetly persuaded into staying back and finishing the ten day vipassana course and what I gained is priceless and a tool for life. It is the only technique that has no tag on it. It advocates no religion and has no price. It is open for everyone and is taught to every student who is seeking it without a price or discrimination. I am yet to discover anything else that comes even close to it.”

Shaleen Malhotra who portrays the character of Yash Talwar in Vanshaj said,
“One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned from teachers is the essence of selflessness. They impart knowledge, warmth, and love without expecting anything in return, laying the foundation upon which we build our lives. Their selflessness is powerful—they find satisfaction in our success without seeking recognition. It’s important to acknowledge and thank them for their unwavering support, which has been vital in our growth.”

Anjali Tatrari who portrays the character of Yuvika Mahajan in Vanshaj said,
“On Teachers’ Day, I’m grateful to two people who’ve shaped who I am today. First, my mother—everything I’ve learned is because of her. She’s been my best teacher, helping me navigate life’s challenges and become strong. Second, Barun Badola, who’s guided me selflessly in my acting career. He played my father on screen, but he’s like a real father to me, always wishing the best for me. Happy Teacher’s Day to my mom and to Barun Sir, whom I fondly call Dada. I’m truly blessed to have them by my side.”

Tune in to watch Pushpa Impossible, Vanshaj only on Sony SAB every Monday to Saturday

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