• August 16, 2024

“After intense scenes, I usually disconnect by calling my mom,” says Anjali Tatrari on playing multiple roles on Sony SAB’s ‘Vanshaj’

“After intense scenes, I usually disconnect by calling my mom,” says Anjali Tatrari on playing multiple roles on Sony SAB’s ‘Vanshaj’

Sony SAB’s Vanshaj engages viewers by exploring gender roles and the complexities of inheritance within a patriarchal society. The storyline took a new turn with the introduction of the Talwar family, the formidable rivals of the Mahajans. Anjali Tatrari, who plays the role of Yuvika reflects on her journey, sharing how the diverse roles she’s portrayed have deeply impacted her both as an actor and as an individual. Over the course of heat, Anjali has played a coy yet ambitious Yuvika, a boss lady Yukti, and now back to being Yuvika. Anjali reveals that these roles have pushed her to explore new emotional depths, helping her grow and evolve in her craft. The journey has been transformative, allowing her to connect with her characters on a personal level while also resonating with the show’s powerful themes.

How has Yuvika’s journey evolved, and what part of her character resonates with you the most?
Yuvika’s journey has truly been a roller coaster, filled with immense growth and challenges. Over the past year, I’ve witnessed her transformation from a young woman from Rishikesh into someone much more mature and self-assured. From the very start, Yuvika has always fought for what’s right, but now she does so with a newfound confidence and strength. The aspect of Yuvika’s character that resonates with me the most is her resilience. No matter what obstacles life throws at her, she always manages to get back up and keep fighting. This unwavering determination is something I’ve deeply connected with and have tried to incorporate into my own life. Just like Yuvika, I strive to face challenges head-on, stand tall, and bounce back with confidence.

What’s been the most challenging part of playing diverse roles – first Yuvika then Yukti, and then back to Yuvika?
The most challenging part of playing diverse roles has been the transition from Yuvika to Yukti and then back to Yuvika. You become so comfortable and confident in playing one character, and I had been Yuvika for so long that I almost felt like I was her. Then, suddenly, I had to switch to Yukti, who is the complete opposite—she’s confident, has a go-getter attitude, and is full of sarcasm. As an actor, I feel truly blessed to have the opportunity to play two such distinct characters in one show. It’s something many actors dream of, and I’m grateful for the chance to explore these different sides. The best part is that, as much as I love both Yukti and Yuvika, I’ve come to realise that I’m a mixture of both. There are moments when I need to be like Yuvika—more reserved and emotional—and times when I channel Yukti’s boldness. It’s been an amazing experience to embody both characters and bring them to life in my own unique way.

The emotional sequence after Yuvika’s fiancé Neel death was intense. How did you prepare for it, and how did it affect you?
Preparing for the emotional sequence after Yuvika’s fiancé Neel’s death was both challenging and deeply personal for me. As someone who is naturally very emotional, tapping into those feelings can be difficult because I tend to go deep into the character’s emotions. The scenes where Yuvika breaks down were especially exhausting, mentally and emotionally. Such intense sequences often bring up personal memories for me, particularly because I’ve experienced loss in my own life. It’s not easy to relive those emotions while shooting, and sometimes it’s hard to detach from the character afterward. But I believe that’s also one of the most beautiful aspects of being an actor—being able to connect so deeply with the emotions of your character, even though it can be mentally taxing. Despite the challenges, I truly enjoy performing emotional scenes because they allow me to explore and express those raw, authentic feelings.

How do you disconnect with your character after intense scenes, and how do you unwind?
After intense scenes, I usually disconnect by calling my mom or finding ways to lighten my mood. Since I’m in Umargaon and most of my friends are in Mumbai, I can’t meet up with them after the shoot like I would normally do. Instead, I chat with my mom over the phone, listen to music, or unwind by watching something light-hearted.

How will Yuvika face DJ and Yash going forward? What’s your approach to these rivalries?
Going forward, Yuvika’s approach to dealing with DJ and Yash will be cautious yet determined. There might be some interactions where we see her engaging with them, but the story’s direction is still unfolding, so it’s hard to say exactly how she will confront them. Yuvika is someone who values family and believes in giving people chances, even if they’ve wronged her. She has a strong desire to bring her family together, so while she will stand up to DJ and Yash, she will also look for ways to resolve the conflict in a way that doesn’t tear the family apart.

What can fans expect next from Yuvika’s journey ahead?
Fans can look forward to an exciting and dynamic journey ahead for Yuvika. The show will continue to deliver a mix of drama, business intrigue, and the complex love-hate relationships that keep viewers hooked. Yuvika’s character will explore many different shades, from her strength and determination to her vulnerabilities and emotions. As the story progresses, you’ll see her navigate through challenging situations, both in her personal life and in her pursuit of success. There’s a lot in store, not just for Yuvika, but for all the characters, with twists and turns that will keep the audience eagerly anticipating what’s next.

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