• July 16, 2024

The Undisputed slot leader in 9 PM slot, DANGAL TV’s Tose Naina Milaaike, completes 300 Episodes!!!

The Undisputed slot leader in 9 PM slot, DANGAL TV’s Tose Naina Milaaike,   completes 300 Episodes!!!

Celebrating a monumental achievement in television storytelling; “Tose Nainaa Milaai ke” has drawn in audiences for 300 episodes now. Marking a special journey of engagement and entertainment.  Since its start, the show has touched the hearts of millions with its tender narrative centred around the timeless theme of inner beauty and strength. 

“We are incredibly pleased to mark this milestone of 300 episodes, and this surely gives us sweet reasons to celebrate and directs us to accomplish persistent milestones ahead.” said Rajesh Ram Singh, Producer.

From the outset, our aim has been to challenge conventional notions of beauty and remind viewers of the inherent worth found within every individual. The response from our audience has been overwhelming, reaffirming the importance of stories that resonate on a deeper level.” adds Mr. Pradeep Kumar, Co-producer.

The portrayal of Kuhu‘s (Supriya Kumari) resilience in the face of adversity has garnered widespread acclaim, earning the admiration of viewers from all walks of life. 

As the series embarks on its next chapter, audiences can expect more genuine moments. In the latest twist, Rajiv (Vishal Gndhi) is angry that Kuhu has moved on while he wasted seven years without her. He follows her after discovering she lives in the same city. This week, Hansini will be planning things against the kids with an intention to never let Rajeev and Kuhu meet. This drama will start on Kanak & Koyal’s birthday party where there will be a fire accident. Also, viewers to see ‘if Kuhu can make it to the kid’s birthday party or not’. 

For more updates, watch Tose Naina Milaai Ke on DANGAL TV, Mon-Sun 9:00 PM 

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